Hello Beautiful People,
I’ve never been to Texas.
But I’ve always wanted to go.
I’ve never met Ann Richards…
But she has come back to life through the words and body of Holland Taylor.
Oh goodness, this show, this show, this show.
I saw it two weeks ago, and yet it’s taken me this long to find some way to eloquently express my love for this production – and still I find myself lacking in prose and with and grace that will do this production justice.
ANN. Gah.
Go see it, like right now.

Photo by Megan Minutillo
ANN is a one woman show, written by Holland Taylor, performed by Holland Taylor, and directed by Benjamin Endsley Klein, and it is a portrait of Ann Richards, the 45th Governor of Texas, keynote speaker, champion of women’s rights, mother, wife, daughter…a bonafide superwoman.
If it were not for Holland Taylor, I would not have known about Ann Richards, so from a political and social perspective, this show is phenomenal in fulfilling the Common Core requirements that are coming from good ol’ Washington D.C.
But, this show is so much more than that. It’s a brilliant piece of theater. It’s TWO HOURS, and yet, the time flies, as Benjamin Endsley Klein directs this with unquestionable skill, as you are fully engrossed in the story of ANN and do not have a moment to have your brain go elsewhere.
Holland Taylor, I am still rendered speechless. It was an absolute honor to meet you, and I am still in awe. I am still learning from what I saw. Ann Richards was a force to be reckoned with, a commanding presence with a giant spirit, and Holland brought her back to life onstage. Her mannerisms, her physicality, her personality…it’s one of the greatest performances I’ve seen…like, ever. It’s as if you are sitting in a room with Ann Richards, shooting the breeze, reminiscing, laughing, crying…the whole audience fades away and all that’s left is the two of you. That’s how intimate this show feels. That’s what this creative team has established.
And it’s a beautiful thing.
Teachers, I cannot stress this enough – this is a show to bring to your principal and say hey, let’s do a field trip. Lets try and have our students learn something beyond the four walls of a classroom. Lets show them what happens when politics and history and art and theater meet and jive. Lets show them an intimate part of history. Lets show them a great work of art. Perhaps they’ll be inspired. Perhaps they’ll think of school differently, hell, perhaps they’ll think of life differently. It’s a true story. It blends your state requirements with the true building blocks of education – it makes everyone happy. Actors, writers, politicians, mothers, daughters, fathers, sisters, sons…you will all take away something from this show. You will take away hope. You will take away strength. You will come away with the knowledge that everyday is a gift, that sometimes cancer does win, so you best be sure to listen to your heart, to go against the grain, to tune out the negativity, and to focus on what you want.
Holland, Benjamin, thank you.
Live. Love, Learn,