Hi Friends,
When Gone Girl, a psychological thriller written by Gillian Flynn, was published in 2012, I saw copies of it everywhere and kept meaning to read it. This past October, a movie adaptation of the book was released starring Ben Affleck and Rosamund Pike and my interest in the story was rekindled. The movie was highly recommended to me by several people. One person even suggested I forgo reading the book and just go to the movie theatre. They told me they didn’t want the surprise in the movie to be ruined for me.
Of course, I looked at them like they were from another planet. Surely the book must be superior! But I never went to see it nor did I pick up the book.
When the 2015 Oscar nominees were announced and I saw that Rosamund Pike was nominated for her performance in Gone Girl, I knew I had to see that movie.
Against the advice of an avid fan, I read the book first.
Friends, read the book first.
I was so impressed with Pike’s performance as Amy, but the movie could not capture her inner monologue like the book did. I imagine I would have hated the movie if I hadn’t read the book. The ending in particular was weak. Without spoiling the plot, the book offers an explanation (not a justification) for the actions of both Amy and Nick in the end while the movie falls short. Oh, it makes a fair attempt, but without the inner monologue of both characters, you may walk away from the film bewildered and slightly frustrated.
I can’t say I recommend one over the other. Flynn’s writing was both beautiful and horrifying and the same can be said for Pike’s performance. I recommend reading the book and then watching the movie. Be prepared to be disturbed. Flynn’s story is the playing out of a relationship built on lust and lies. If a lesson is to be learned from the story, it’s that of the inevitable destruction of a relationship between two selfish people.
Go. Enjoy both mediums.
Live, Love, Learn,
Candice & The Write Teacher(s)