Hello Friends, With the end of How I Met Your Mother last night, millions of viewers experienced the conclusion of one of this generations most influential television shows. If you’re twenty something years old like myself, this show probably took up a large percentage of your life. It made me want to move to New…
Author: Grant Crawford
Young Artist(s) in the City: 10 Ways To Stay Inspired…(as a young artist in the city)
Hello Friends, I’ve decided to try something new for this article and provide you guys with a Buzzfeed-like list called “10 Ways To Stay Inspired as a Young Artist In The City.” My goal with this is to stand out from other lists that go viral on the Internet. Other similar articles will give you…
Young Artist(s) in the City: Pretending to be a Student in The City
Hello Readers, As I finished my last paragraph in my upwards of sixty page worth of essay finals week this semester, it provoked a question in me that I think many young artists in the city face; why am I taking eighteen credits? I know I’ll remove half of what I learned from my memory…
Young Artist(s) in the City: Take Out Your Headphones
Hello Readers, Someone once told me to avoid wearing headphones while walking the streets of New York because it is in these moments when we stay mindful and aware of our surroundings, we can discover subtle symphonies and gather inspiration. Since hearing that, I no longer curse myself whenever I forget my ancient iPod while…