Hello Beautiful People,
Megan Minutillo here, founder and Editor in Chief of thewriteteachers.com.
Do you love thewriteteachers.com? Is that love so strong and huge and wonderful that you’d like to contribute to our site? Well, I have some good news for you!
As we head on into the new school year, I’m looking to grow to both our contributor and writers team (contributors write when inspiration strikes, team members write at least one piece per month) – bringing you the latest and greatest in television, film, books, music, theatre, visual arts, and arts education.
So, what exactly am I looking for?
I’m so glad you asked.
I’m looking for stories about art, entertainment, and arts education. (No reality TV show stuff, here.) We’re looking for personal anecdotes from arts educators, students, actors, musicians, composers, lyricists, writers, visual artists. We’re looking for photographers who want a new platform to share their work. We’re looking for people who have a passion for theatre and art and what to share that passion with the world.
We’re looking to start a conversation on the internet. One that is rooted in cultural substance, creativity, and connectivity. We want to hear about the first movie that made you cry, or the time you took your kids to their first Broadway show, or the summer you spent tap dancing in the Catskills. We want to hear about the kids (and adults) who stay up late at night with their books or kindles or iPads – because they’re so excited about a new story that they just can’t sleep.
We believe that art touches all folks – whether it’s your profession or your hobby, and we have become a place on the internet where both professionals and admirers of art, entertainment, and arts education come together to write about the things in life that light their souls on fire and make their hearts go pitter-patter.
What’s not a good fit: snark. Sass. Negativity. Take down pieces. The internet can be negative enough, we’re not about to add to that!
What is a good fit: passionate people. Creative people. Folks who know the difference between they’re, their, and there. The ability to write so that someone feels like you’re right there sitting next to them telling the story – rather than reading from a screen. Artists + writers + illustrators and teachers who want to share their words + work and voice with thewriteteachers.com community.
Does that fit you?
Then here’s what ya do:
- Email me, Megan Minutillo at megan@thewriteteachers.com with ideas you have for specific articles and a brief (one paragraph) description of who you are and what kind of writing you do, and shoot along a writing sample or two.
- In the subject line, write “Post Pitch: and the subject you’re writing under”, that subject should be either music, tv, film, visual art, teaching stories, education stories, theatre, books, and/or arts education related. Specifics should go in the body of the email.
- If you already have a draft of a story you think might be a good fit for thewriteteachers.com, click send! Please note – while we are happy to read, please note that we get a lot of submissions, and cannot guarantee a reply.
Contributor and team member window will close September 6th. Happy writing!
Live, Love, Learn,