Happy Thanksgiving, Beautiful People!
I hope this message finds you all happy and healthy and surrounded by those that you love.
But should this message find you alone on this Turkey Day, I hope it also finds you content and at peace. For that is also something to be grateful for, eh?
A couple of days ago I got a text message from one of my former students.
And then my little teacher heart exploded.
It’s those moments that I’m grateful for – the ones that make you realize how important your role as a teacher is. For the good ones, they’ll ya – teaching was never about the summers off, or the steady paycheck.
Are those nice job perks? Yes.
But the perks, they aren’t why we teach.
We teach because we care. We teach because we want to help guide the younger generations through this crazy road called life. We teach because we love kids. We teach because we want to make a difference.
And should that difference be that we are a bright light in the life of just one kid – well, it will all have been worth it.
Congrats, my child!
Congrats to all the teachers, all over this country, all of the world, who are doing their part to make a difference.
Happy Thanksgiving to you all!
Live, Love, Learn,