Dear Mr. Baldwin & our Beautiful Readers,
People are constantly asking me what the mission and the message of The Write Teacher(s) is about…
…and so I tell them. I repeat our motto: We, The Write Teacher(s) are committed to bringing you the latest & greatest information on books, TV, theater, music, film, & education. We strive to promote cultural substance, creative connectivity, & positivity. This is a place, a platform, and a forum to discuss your shared love of arts(s) with others, or learn something new.
I tell them that I have no use for negativity.
I tell them that there is enough hatred in this world, enough gossip columns, enough tabloids, enough reality television shows threaded with hatred and unquenchable thirsts for fame – there doesn’t need to be anymore.
I tell them that those kindred souls and beautiful spirits that have joined me in this mission, my team, my backbone, are all artists in their own right. And that they know that if they do not like something, I’d rather them not write about it than spew some string of hatred and malice, for we are artists, and we must learn to celebrate the success of one another, rather than take pleasure in the failures and mistakes.
I tell them that this website, this platform, this hub of cultural substance, creative connectivity, and positivity is dedicated to bringing back the humanity that threads all of the art forms. That the arts should link us all, not tear us apart. That the arts are there to inspire us, to push us, to give us hope, to restore our faith, and to make us think of all the possibilities. I do not believe that the arts were ever there to tear others down, and that, unfortunately is what “tabloid journalism” has done to the arts, especially Broadway.

I have little respect for those who provide vapid criticism when they have never actually attempted to do the work that they themselves are tearing to shreds. Have you put pen to paper and scripted a play? A novel? A screenplay? Have you been behind the camera? Have you in front? Have you been onstage, in front of a full house? Have you been onstage in front of an empty house?
Then who are you to judge? Then who are you to tear those down who are attempting to create, who are trying to make their mark, who are contributing something to society other than transparent words of bitterness?
Mr. Baldwin, I understand that there will always be critics, I do. But, perhaps if there are more articles like yours, if there are more websites like ours, if there are more fair-minded folks like Frank Rich, perhaps Broadway and the artistic communities will be able to fight the good fight against the tabloid journalism vultures.
One can only hope.
I, along will some Write Teacher(s) Team Members and colleagues will be seeing Orphans next week. And we cannot wait.
Live, Love, Learn,