Hello Beautiful People,
We’re ALREADY on DAY FOUR, can you believe it?
Our fourth book in this magical series is….{insert drumroll here}…
The Jolly CHRISTMAS Postman, by Allan Ahlberg & Janet Ahlberg!
Can you feel our excitement?
From the fantastic tales of The Jolly Postman, (an interactive children’s book that young ones will treasure for AGES), comes a special Christmas edition. And, we’re so excited about it, that we’re not even going to go into details…just know that this is a MUST.
It’s just…lovely. Happy. Magical. JOLLY.
If you liked The Jolly Postman, well, you’ll adore this Christmas treasure.
And don’t forget, we’re still taking ALL types of book donations for children & teens until December 20th! Email info[at]thewriteteachers[dot]com for shipping info!
Live, Love, Learn,
The Write Teacher(s)