Teaching will always be a part of what I do.
Whether I’m in the classroom, or on the internet, or in the theatre – I have the heart of an educator.
This upcoming election is bringing out the worst in some of the best people I know. People who are too blinded by fear to do what is rational. People who don’t quite understand the inner workings of what happens in Washington to comprehend scandal. People who would rather take an evil rooted in hatred, rather than one of intelligence.
Words have been swirling in my head since this race started. Words continue to swirl as the race for president continues to get…hot.
Too many words.
Not enough right ones.
And with that, I give you words from one of my former students. A bright young woman in her 20s. A college graduate. Someone who is half white and half Asian. Someone who has never expected a hand out. Someone who is one of the hardest workers I know.
Thank you, A.
#ImWithHer it really is that simple. I refuse to not vote for her in November and I refuse to vote for someone who advocates for fear and hate. I refuse to live in a country that doesn’t see the value of all human lives. I refuse to support someone who doesn’t believe that love is love.
Yes, I voted for Bernie Sanders in the NY Primaries and I would have loved to see him go all the way. Yes, I haven’t said much, if anything about my views on this election. But after watching the differences between the two conventions and knowing that November is right around the corner, I decided to say something.
I’m not saying that what she did/didn’t isn’t wrong. To be completely honest with you, I don’t agree with what happened with the emails either.
But too bad. It can’t matter anymore. It cannot matter anymore because the other option terrifies me. And that word really doesn’t do it justice. As a country we have come so far, we have had our setbacks and our road bumps and blocks, we have so much more to go and so many things to change and work on to be able to continue and grow and prosper as a nation. Voting against her will be a step that we will never be able to take back.
I fear for this country if Hillary Clinton does not get elected president. I fear for my friends and loved ones lives who just want to love who they love, I fear for my friends and loved ones who serve our country who are overseas because I fear what might happened when we let this bully be in charge of our foreign affairs. I fear for every American and every human being on this planet if Hillary Clinton does not get elected president.
What she has done, did or didn’t do cannot matter anymore. The stakes are too high right now. And if we as a nation cannot see or understand that, then I am afraid of you.
It’s not a crazy liberal idea and I am not naive because I’m young that I want to live in a world that spreads love and kindness. I don’t want to live in a world where I am constantly afraid of turning on the news to find out that another tragedy has happened. That more people have died because of hatred. It’s not a crazy idea that I want to live in a world where we love and look out for one another.
To me this election is terrifying… but it’s simple: #ImWithHer and I really believe that we all should be.
Hatred is never the way.
Live, Love, Learn,